This blog is ...

This blog is about my daily life. A list of things I want to do while I am alive and what I did.

What's the Bucket List?

The Bucket List is a list of things you want to do. By listing and visualizing what you want to do, you can get various ideas for ​​how to live every day. 

To make your life meaningful, regardless of age, consider the following:

・ a place you want to go

・ The moment you want to see

・ What you want to experience

・ What you want to achieve

・ What you want

・ What you want to eat

・ What you want to be

・ People who want to meet

・ Everything else you can think of!

It doesn't matter if you can or cannot. It is important whether you want to do it or not. Let's write out 100 items as you can think of. You are free to delete or add items. Check the items you have achieved with a date. With just this, you will be able to find meaning in your daily life.


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