This blog is ...

This blog is about my daily life. A list of things I want to do while I am alive and what I did.


#37. Eliminate the need for two warehouses

I have rented two warehouses since 5 years ago.

One is a real warehouse. One is a service that I can send the box and keep it on a monthly basis.

I have too much books. And toys and picture books that are no longer needed because our children grow up.

I don't have any spaces in m y house. So I needed two warehouses to keep them. I have a cost for them. I pay over $100 every month for it.

The cost of one warehouse is about $98 per month.

The cost to keep 12 boxes is about $37 per month.

I want to reduce these costs. I should throw away what I don't need. I will write about these cost reductions in this blog.

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